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The Jew Not Painted

The Jew Not Painted (Polish title »Żyd Niemalowany«) is a community heritage project, aiming to spread knowledge of the shared Polish-Jewish heritage, to foster a positive Jewish identity and to raise pride in the Jewish heritage in Poland, and to promote diversity in the Jewish community and in Polish society by presenting Poland’s prewar multicultural landscape.


Exhibition cycles

19 November 2020

The delineated jew in the shtetl

This series comprises wood engravings, presenting Jewish life and Jewish people, during the period when Jews were the third largest nation in the region. In the second half of the 19th century only […]
19 November 2020

The delineated jewish woman with oranges

Aleksander Gierymski is one of Poland’s most renowned 19th-century painters. It so happens that the most famous works of this famous painter concern Polish- Jewish themes. They are titled Holiday of the Trumpets, […]
20 November 2020

The delineated jew in galicia

Around one hundred wood engravings and several cyanotypes. Over one-third of the images were initially oil paintings or water-colors, prior to being drawn, engraved in wood, and printed on a press. They are […]
19 November 2020

The religious life of the delineated jew

This series constitutes a sub-collection of over seventy wood engravings. All presenting Jewish practice, ritual objects, and various aspects of religious life of the Polish Jews in the latter half of the 19th […]

Historia jednej grafiki

Podczas spotkań z cyklu "historia jednej Grafiki" (hjG) pokazane zostaną dzieła o wyjątkowej wadze muzealnej, artystycznej i historycznej. Podobne prezentacje rzadko mają miejsce z racji tego, że grafika XIX-wieczna jest słabo reprezentowana w polskim zasobie kolekcjonerskim i muzealnym oraz z powodu utraty podczas drugiej wojny światowej wielu cennych dzieł.